Tuesday, January 17, 2012

the gift that keeps on giving

Yesterday I went with my daughter and two grandchildren to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D.  I have to say that I was quite skeptical about the whole 3D experience seeing as I am EXTREMELY prone to motion sickness.  However, I will admit that it truly was an okay viewing.  Both of the kids seemed to love it.  Lucy, the three year old, took multiple "potty" breaks, but Asher, age five, was completely mesmerized and transfixed by the movie.  He had seen it a few times before on the small screen, but with the glasses affixed permanently on his little face....he never moved.  It really makes you stop and think about what all really makes it through the thought process of their little minds.  (probably more than makes it through mine these days)

It is always a great time when I get to spend it with my little ones.  They are truly the lights of my life.  I am so blessed to have them all within 15 minutes of our house.  When we are all together chaos ensues but it is organized chaos.  Loud and mostly cheerful.  There is an occasional time-out or two, but for the most part...they are my gift that keeps on giving!

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