Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One more thing (or two)

While going through some old paperwork I found this.  I wrote these down many years ago and they are still so relevant.  (or at least to give thought to)


Life isn't always fair, but you only get one chance...give it your best shot.

People you trust sometimes let you down..God NEVER will.

Accident is just that - don't dwell on the "what if's" - just be thankful you walked away.

Patience, they say, is a virtue and it really gets you extra credit when you need it most.

When you truly love someone, hold on for the bumpiest ride of your life.

Never sell yourself short - you CAN do anything you set your mind to.

Pray about the little things and the big things won't seem so overwhelming.

Trust your heart but listen carefully to what it tells you.

Never turn your back on a friend.  Someday you will need a shoulder.

Hold tight to the memories from your childhood...time passes quickly.

Always keep the forgiveness of a young child close at hand - keep short accounts with loved ones.

Let your feelings be known and not left to be somehow questioned.

Know that the longer you love someone the more you understand what it takes to be "in love".

Never underestimate the power of deception.

Jealousy has no place in a Godly home.

You cannot forgive what you choose not to forget.

Do not judge others until your robe is sufficiently fitted.

If God adorns your life with children, love them unconditionally.


Never say anything hurtful.  Words can break hearts.

Don't sit back and let someone else enjoy your blessings.

Be thankful for all that God is teaching you.

Learn anger management early...it will save many tears.

Give unto others before they give to you.

Hold out for the best - you deserve it.

Never compromise your beliefs.

Always cheer for the underdog - he or she is "someone's" child.

Tell your friends how much they mean to you.

Never argue religion or politics - it is a lose/lose situation.

Communication is an intricate part of life.

Death truly is a part of life.

Smiling takes a lot less effort than frowning.

Crying does not a baby make.

You can love more than once in your lifetime.

A heart can be broken more than once.

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